This page contains a Flash digital edition of a book.
News and information for serving personnel
● Trial participants on the gangway of HMS Exeter; in the foreground from
left to right, are CPO(AWT) Clark, PO(AWT) Walker, CO Cdr Paul Brown,
PWO(A) Lt Cdr Jim Denney and LS(AWT) Coleman
Picture: LA(Phot) Dave Jenkins
Open the
in Service
door to
THE Armed Forces Act 2006 is
scheduled to be implemented into
the Services in 2009, replacing the
Naval Discipline Act 1957 and
Army and Air Force Acts 1955.
Prior to full implementation
THE Joint Services Housing
of the Act, one key element of
Advice Office (JSHAO) , despite its
change, to be introduced Jul 08,
web address, provides all Service
is an extension to the powers of
personnel and their families with
arrest of the RN Police (and other
information and advice in the
Service Police).
consideration of civilian housing
This will give Service Police
options whilst they are serving and
the authority to arrest Service
when they are about to return to
personnel, irrespective of rank, rate
civilian life.
or Service, reasonably suspected
JSHAO also provides help
of committing, about to commit
and information to ex-Service
or having committed an offence.
personnel who are still in Service
This power of arrest will also
Families’ Accommodation.
extend to civilians who are subject
So what information does
to Service discipline.
JSHAO hold?
Further details on these changes
Interested in buying a house?marina
will be distributed shortly.
The JSHAO stocks booklets
on house purchasing that are
Early wins for
produced by the Council of
Nelson lecture
Mortgage Lenders – a useful brief
THE Forces Pension Society,
for anyone wishing to buy a house,
in association with Seafarers
detailing the steps to follow and
UK and the Army Benevolent
the pitfalls to avoid.
Fund, will be hosting its annual
Pamphlets and information sheets
lecture on Thursday October 9 in
are also available on request.
Portsmouth Guildhall.
In order to help Service leavers
The speaker will be the
find housing, the JSHAO also
Project Fisher
internationally-known Nelson
holds a database of information
expert Dr Colin White, Director
provided by 400 local authorities
of the Royal Naval Museum, and
in the UK and has information
PROJECT Fisher is an
be introduced without careful “All of my AB2 CIS have into the autumn, the trial of the his subject will be ‘The Nelson
and contacts for most of the consideration and extensive completed their task books and we
geographical pooling of junior rates Touch.’
UK’s housing associations as
extensive programme of
planning. have proved that given a suitable by class or platform type looks to Full publicity and ticket sales
well as relocation companies that
work initiated directly by
Early work, based on feedback programme and focused training offer a great deal of promise in will begin later in the summer.
specialise in finding property to the First Sea Lord and direct from Commanding Officers effort we can deliver task book
improving the way personnel are
See next month for more details
purchase for Service personnel.
the Navy Board to find a
and EWOs alike, has identified training in as little as 2 months,”
managed and assigned to ships
of the Society.
The JSHAO also provides the need to improve Task Book he said.
advice and guidance for:
range of potential manning
training for AB2 to AB1 and a “Individuals have responded
In particular, steps have been
The MoD nominations scheme options that will best support marina series of Workplace Based Training well to the training and have
taken to develop a T45 junior
It’s your 2-6
that helps look for council or
the Navy’s new Type 45
(WBT) trials were scheduled to remained much more positive
rate pool and, at least for the next
housing association housing on
destroyers, CVF and Future
investigate what could be done. about their futures.”
five years or so, a T45 Career
NEED to get your message
leaving the Service;
Surface Combatants that
The first WBT trial took place AB(SEA)2 Samuel Smith, of
Stream for these personnel with
across to the rest of the RN?
Low Cost Home Ownership marina from January 28 to March 17 HMS Albion, said: “I am further To feature in 2-6 contact Lt
though schemes such as Shared will replace the T22 and when 34 AB2s, having completed along with my task book than if I
the skill sets needed to assure the
Cdr Gregor Birse (Fleet Media
Ownership, ‘Homebuy’ or ‘Right
T23 frigates.
their Phase 2 training, embarked hadn’t taken part in the trial and
availability and readiness of T45s
Ops), 93832 8809.
to Buy’;
This must be done to make
in HM Ships Illustrious, Albion, I think that this has been a great
in the early years of service.
The Long Service Advance of Bulwark, and Cornwall. start to my career.”marina
Pay (LSAP) Scheme;
the most of these fewer, yet
The early indications from To confirm these initial
House purchase via Annington
much more capable warships.
this trial have been very positive impressions, a second trial is under marina
The facts remain unequivocal
with at least half of those involved way with 20 AB(WS)2 ratings
If you would like more
– if we continue to man the Fleet
completing their task books in embarked in HMS Exeter.
information, or would like to
of the future in the same way we
significantly less time than normal. The second WBT trial began
arrange a housing solutions briefing
do now, over half of our current
With the average time to on April 29, running until July 31,
at your ship, submarine or unit,
branches will be structurally
completion currently 12-15 and it is hoped that the same level
contact: Joint Service Housing
unsustainable, so we do have to
months, some of the participants, of success can be achieved again. YOUR LIVES
Advice Office, HQ LAND, Erskine
do things differently.
particularly CIS ratings, have been Meanwhile, the FOST training
Barracks, Wilton, Salisbury, Wilts Crucial to Project Fisher’s able to achieve the same pass in as staff is also looking to find ways
NAVY NEWS looks back through its pages to recall
SP2 0AG, tel: 01722 436575, success remains your little as two months. to improve the way TEMs are some of the June headlines of past decades...
fax: 01722 436577, email www. understanding of the case for Capt Jeremy Blunden, of delivered to personnel in the front change, combined with your HMS Bulwark, commented very line.
supportagencies/aws/jshao confidence that change will not positively on the trial. Looking slightly further ahead
Jane leads by example
THE mantra of Command, Lead That’s why she’s tagged one hour
and Manage can be heard in the of fitness training into her monthly
corridors of JSU Northwood, tutorials, to make sure the ratings
where PO(CIS) Jane Watkins are well prepared – she admits
is championing a practical that fitness is an integral part of an
understanding of leadership individual’s promotion path.
● Leviathan leaves Portsmouth Harbour for the breaker’s yard
challenges at basic and advanced She said: “I am delighted with
in 1968
levels. the response we’ve had to the
40 years ago
The senior rate, a former training.
Chief Instructor for three years “CLM is so important to the
A mighty ship-that-never-was left Portsmouth in the early sum-
at the RN Leadership Academy Navy and to channel the abilities
mer of 1968 to be recycled into razor blades. The light fleet car-
(East) at HMS Collingwood, was of the dynamic and intelligent
rier Leviathan was launched in June 1945, but with the end of
determined that the skills she had people it employs.”
the war she was abandoned, almost complete and 80 per cent
learnt should be used to develop Jane’s Commanding Officer,
fitted out. For 15 years she was raided for spare parts, but no
others in preparation for their own Col Brazier, said: “A little time
buyer could be found and 16 years after her maiden voyage – to
leadership trials.
invested by the individual reaps
Fareham Creek – she was towed out to the breaker’s yard.
With the support of senior
dividends in the long term.
officers at the tri-Service base,
“The quality of the personnel
30 years ago
Jane has created a pre-course study
coming through Northwood is
guide for both junior and senior
testament to the RN training system
A racy destroyer undergoing sea trials. Could be talking about
rates, and runs weekly classes on
● From left: CPOPT Joules Wemer, PO(CIS) Jane Watkins and Daring – see pages 20-21 – but 30 years ago it was HMS Bristol,
Wednesday evenings on CLM.
LLogs (Pers) Scotty Scott
and its leadership courses.”
Jane added: “I believe the
the Type 82 destroyer which featured on our front page after it
Jane said: “It was not difficult to
emerged from refit.
Mayell here and said ‘This is what felt more confident and relaxed on
pre-course study guide could be
get Northwood staff on board.
I would like to do, what do you the course.
applied across any unit or area – it
“I got in touch with Lt Cdr
think?’ And the answer was ‘Crack “I had no dramas about standing
just takes some commitment to
20 years ago
on. Brilliant.’” up and speaking in public.
guide people through the work.”
With Naval Service climbers going all-out to scale one of the
Three people from Northwood “It gave me a good insight into
The leadership classes
world’s most challenging mountains, 20 years ago we told of
have already passed their the leadership theories used, and
complement the CW training
at Northwood, providing
an attempt to climb over 270 mountains in Scotland higher than
leadership courses with the help I’m so happy that I stuck to my
opportunities for personnel to
3,000ft – before lunch-time. Boots Across Scotland actually
of the booklet and guidance, and fitness and that Jane pushed me.”
benefit from the experience and
roped in 2,000 climbers for the fundraiser to help a crippled
another 12 people are working Jane stressed: “You do have to
skills beyond traditional CLM
mountain rescue team member, four of the climbers coming
through the CLM course. be physically fit to do your best on
from HMS Neptune.
AB(CIS) Maz Scarah said: “I this course.”
News and information for serving personnel
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