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Page 22. MAINE COASTAL NEWS October 2008
Mr. Augustine and seconded by Mr. days of the week, coastwide creel limit, gear tion, please contact Christopher
Continued from Page 15.
Goldsborough. Motion carries. restrictions, and area or seasonal closures by Vonderweidt, Fisheries Management Plan
tat Committee’s concern that additional flex-
Move to include Support data collec- river system. Coordinator, at (202) 289-6400 or
ibility is needed for updating the habitat
tion and research for ecosystem-based man- The Draft will be available by early Sep-
sections of FMPs. The Policy Board ap-
agement strategies in goal 2 of the strategic tember and can be obtained by contacting Motions: Main Motion: The Spiny Dog-
proved a change to the ISFMP Charter to
plan. Motion made by Mr. Simpson and the Commission at (202) 2896400 or via the fish and Coastal Sharks Management Board
allow FMP habitat sections to be updated
seconded by Mr. Augustine. Motion carries. Commission’s website at moves to recommend approval of the Inter-
through the use of the adaptive management
SHAD & RIVER HERRING MANAGE- under Breaking News. For more information, state FMP for Atlantic Coastal Sharks to the
(addendum) process.
MENT BOARD (August 21, 2008) please contact Toni Kerns, Senior Fisheries Commission. Motion made by Mr. August-
The Policy Board approved changes to
The Commission’s Shad & River Her- Management Plan Coordinator for Manage- ine and seconded by Mr. Himchak. Motion
the process used for the Commission to
ring Management Board has approved send- ment, at (202) 289-6400 or amended. Motion to Amend: Move to amend
comment on projects that will impact fisher-
ing forward Draft Amendment 2 to the Inter- Motions: Main Motion Move that the Section 4.3.2. to allow the transit of non-
ies habitat. This new process is contained in
state Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Board refocus Amendment 3 to focus on sandbar large coastal sharks legally caught
the Habitat Operational Procedures Manual.
River Herring for public review and comment. coordination on interstate monitoring of at- in the EEZ through VA, MD, DE, NJ from May
A presentation on the NMFS’ proposed
It seeks input on proposed requirements for sea bycatch, advocating fish passage (up 15 through July 15 provided that the fisher-
rule on implementing the National Standard
population and bycatch monitoring, as well and downstream), preserving current man- man notifies the state enforcement agency
1 provisions of the Reauthorized Magnuson
as commercial and recreational management agement goals (F30 and 5 objectives of the and/or NMFS prior to transiting and gear is
Stevens Act. The proposed rule contains the
measures. It is anticipated that the majority of plan), and allowing individual states to man- stowed. Specific provisions for implementa-
requirements for the Regional Fishery Man-
coastal states will be conducting public meet- age in-river fisheries and determine status of tion will be part of the state implementation
agement Councils to implement annual catch
ings on the Draft Amendment; information the stock. The Board will annually monitor plan and must be reviewed by the Law En-
limits (ACLs) and accountability measures
on those meetings will be released once they states’ progress on achieving these manage- forcement Committee prior to approval of the
(AMs) in all federal FMPs. This requirement
become finalized. ment goals. Motion made by Mr. Simpson state plan. Motion made by Mr. Calomo and
for ACLs and AMs will have an impact on a
The Draft Amendment has been devel- and seconded by Mr. Augustine. Motion seconded by Mr. Augustine. Motion passes
number of species that have joint or comple-
oped in response to widespread concern substituted. Motion to Substituted Move to (16 in favor, none opposed). Motion to
mentary management between the Commis-
regarding the decline of river herring stocks. substitute to instruct staff to use the 18 items Amend: Move to amend Section 4.3.2. to
sion and the Councils. The Policy Board
While many populations of blueback herring on page 17-18 of the PID and the AP com- allow the transit of sharks legally caught in
requested that staff draft comments on the
and alewife, collectively known as river her- ments to draft an amendment for Board re- the EEZ through VA, MD, DE, NJ from May
proposed rule for consideration and submis-
ring, are in decline or remain depressed at view to include the concept that would allow 15 through July 15 provided that the fisher-
sion by the September 22, 2008 public com-
stable levels, lack of fishery-dependent and individual states to tailor solutions for in man notifies the state enforcement agency
ment deadline.
independent data makes it difficult to ascer- river fisheries to meet the goals and objec- and/or NMFS prior to transiting and gear is
The Policy Board received an update on
tain the status of river herring stocks tives of the amendment. Motion made by Mr. stowed. Specific provisions for implementa-
the activities to address state/federal align-
coastwide. Between 1985 and 2004, commer- Travelstead and seconded by Mr. Cole. tion will be part of the state implementation
ment on fisheries management. The Policy
cial landings of river herring dropped by 90% Motion passes (17 in favor, 1 opposed). plan and must be reviewed by the Law En-
Board requested that staff review and sum-
from 13.6 to 1.33 million pounds. In 2007, Motion becomes main motion. Main Motion forcement Committee prior to approval of the
marize previous efforts and discussions on
Commission member states reported river as Substituted Move to instruct staff to use state plan. Motion made by Mr. Boyles and
this issue. This issue will also continue to be
herring landings of approximately 1.1 million the 18 items on page 17-18 of the PID and the seconded by Mr. Augustine. Motion carries.
discussed at the Northeast Regional Coordi-
pounds. In response to declining stocks AP comments to draft an amendment for Main Motion as Amended: The Spiny Dog-
nating Council.
within their own waters, four states—Mas- Board review and to include the concept that fish and Coastal Sharks Management Board
The Policy Board reviewed the public
sachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and would allow individual states to tailor solu- moves to recommend approval of the Inter-
comment received on the draft 2009-2013
North Carolina—have closed their river her- tions for in-river fisheries to meet the goals state FMP for Atlantic Coastal Sharks to the
ASMFC Strategic Plan. Based on the com-
ring fisheries. River herring stocks are a and objectives of the amendment. Motion Commission with the following revision to
ment, the Policy Board approved changes to
multi-jurisdictional resource occurring in riv- made by Mr. Travelstead and seconded by Section 4.3.2. “to allow the transit of sharks
the Strategic Plan. Staff will incorporate
ers and coastal waters. River herring bycatch Mr. Cole. Motion passes (18 in favor). legally caught in the EEZ through VA, MD,
those changes and provide a final draft at the
continues to be a significant concern. Pre- Move to approve draft Amendment 2 for DE, NJ from May 15 through July 15 provided
Commission’s Annual Meeting in October
liminary analyses indicate that, in some years, public review and comment. Motion made by that the fisherman notifies the state enforce-
for approval.
the total bycatch of river herring species by Mr. Adler and seconded by Dr. Geiger. Mo- ment agency and/or NMFS prior to transiting
The Policy Board tasked staff with draft-
the Atlantic herring fleet alone could be tion passes (18 in favor). and gear is stowed. Specific provisions for
ing a timeline for the public to submit com-
equal to the total landings from the entire in- SPINY DOGFISH & COASTAL implementation will be part of the state imple-
ments prior to an ASMFC Meeting. This
river directed fishery on the East Coast. SHARKS MANAGEMENT BOARD mentation plan and must be reviewed by the
timeline will be reviewed by the Policy Board
The Draft Amendment proposes a suite (August 21, 2008) Law Enforcement Committee prior to ap-
at the Commission’s Annual Meeting in
of management measures to address these Meeting Summary proval of the state plan”. Motion by made
concerns and ensure the survival and en- The Spiny Dogfish & Coastal Sharks Mr. Augustine and seconded by Mr.
A meeting of the Winter Flounder Board
hancement of depressed stocks or the main- Management Board met to discuss and con- Himchak. Motion approved.
will be scheduled at the Annual Meeting to
tenance of presently stable stocks. The Draft sider approval of the Interstate Fishery Man- Move to accept the recommendations
discuss the results of the most recent stock
Amendment proposes mandatory data and agement Plan (FMP) for Atlantic Coastal of the Technical Committee on the initial
assessment and determine the appropriate
bycatch monitoring provisions, as well as Sharks, as well as two addenda for public specifications for Coastal Sharks in 2009.
management action.
options to close fisheries by river system or comment. The FMP was approved with mi- Motion made by Mr. Augustine and sec-
Motions: Move to amend the ISFMP
establish a coastwide moratorium on the nor revisions and forwarded to the full Com- onded by Mr. Cole. Motion carries.
Charter regarding FMP habitat sections.
river herring fishery. Specific commercial mission (Business Session) for its approval Move to approve that Delaware, South
Motion made by Mr. P. White and seconded
measures include area closures, escapement (see page 16 under Business Session for the Carolina, Georgia, and Florida be granted de
by Mr. Augustine. Motion carries.
provisions, and landings reductions by river press release on the Interstate FMP). The minimis status for the 2008/2009 fishery.
Move to approve the revised project
systems, as well as limited access. Recre- Board approved Draft Addenda II & III, both Motion by made Mr. P White and seconded
comment protocol and the Habitat Opera-
ational measures include recreational license/ of which address spiny dogfish quota alloca-
permit, limiting recreational harvest by the tions, for public comment. For more informa-
Continued on Page 26.
tions Procedure Manual. Motion made by
Continued from Page 1.
ations, SIREN win. Michael McMenemy,
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I could ever have!” For ERR he was on
BURMA and watched another of his cre-
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