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16 — Good News, etc. — May 2009 nc/sd
“Go, ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” – Matthew 28:19 (KJ)
You don’t want to be a missionary?
Newspaper making international impact
his is a conversation that never
Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church recently shared an exciting story about
happened. And likely won’t happen
the outreach of Good News, etc. newspaper.
this way…
“We just returned from five days at Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana
“Mom, dad, we need to talk.”
where Carol (his wife) was receiving treatment,” he said. “The April
“What is it, dear?”
edition of Good News, etc. was there – very conspicuously displayed!”
“Well, I’ve been praying about it for a
He said that a Jewish woman, Ann Feinstein from Manhattan, New York (now
long time, and although it’s not what you
living in Pennsylvania) was there with her mother. Her husband is owner of the
expected for me, I’m going to become a
Feinstein Co. that managed Michael Bolton and others.
Christian worker here in the U.S. instead
“She picked up the paper, and became intrigued with it,” Garlow said. “She
of going to the mission field.” “True, but this is where God has called
read everything – even the classifieds. She read the article on Carol’s cancer and
“What are you talking about? You me.”
thought to herself, ‘too bad this lady does not know about Oasis.’ Then she met
know that only people without other “And what about grandchildren? You
Carol and was just stunned!
opportunities stay here in the U.S. know our friends Bob and Elizabeth. Their
“She told me — on three occasions — how fascinated she was with
Is this about breaking up with your daughter stayed here instead of going to
the newspaper. Enthralled would be the better word. She loved it.
boyfriend?” the mission field and now they have to
“As she read it, she was so moved, she said, that she had these thoughts of ‘Oh
“No, mom. You’ve always said that God babysit those brats all the time. One day
no! I am being converted!’”
calls some to serve and some to stay at you’ll get married, probably to another
The pastor didn’t say if indeed she took the next step,
home and be senders.” non-missionary fanatic around here, and
but she certainly would be someone to pray for salvation.
“But we didn’t mean you, our only we’ll have to watch those kids all the time.
“It was a very intriguing conversation and I just wanted you to know,” Garlow
child!” How can you do this to us?”
said. “Way to go!”
“I know that Jesus’ Great Commission “Mom, Dad, I know that it’s difficult
says ‘Go’ — but remember that He also for you to hear all this, but you raised me
talks about ministering in our own to follow Christ’s commands, and this is
Jerusalem.” where He is leading me. You meant it,
Missions trip dedicated
“But honey, we’ve always taught you right?”
that the default position of God’s Word is “Of course we meant it. You’re our sweet
to brother’s memory
to go overseas to be a missionary. How can child. But you have all this education, and
you do this to your mother?” now you’re just going to throw it all away.
Each summer, Point Loma Nazarene
“I’m not trying to do anything to you Besides that, what about when it is time for
University sends out teams of students
and Mom. God has just called me...” you to send letters raising support to all our
for their Loveworks missions program.
“You should really pray about this some friends and you don’t? We don’t really feel
These teams are comprised of 10-12
more. We’re very concerned about your comfortable not having you contact them.
Point Loma students from varying
safety. Have you seen the stories about They’ll think we raised a child who isn’t
majors with leadership given by faculty,
how many gang attacks and car accidents willing to do what everyone else’s child
staff and alumni. The purpose is for
there are in San Diego? And just last night does, go to the mission field!”
the students to develop a mindset of
the announcer told about a woman being “All I can hope is that you will come
being global Christians and to serve as a
attacked by a pit bull. And what about the to understand and respect my decision. I
resource to the ongoing ministry efforts
unstable government? It will destroy our didn’t expect it either. When I sat in Sunday
taking place around the world.
health to constantly worry about you!” school and Awana, I would pray, ‘Lord, I’ll
This summer, 12 countries will
“Dad, you’ve always told me that the do anything, as long as you don’t send me
receive student assistance teams
PLNU junior Natalie Madrazo
safest place to be is in the center of God’s to southern California.’ God clearly has a
from Loveworks. Each student who
will. I believe you.” funny sense of humor.”
participates in Loveworks must raise their own support. These teams will be
“Sure, but think about this: You don’t o
leaving May 17 and returning June 7.
have to stay here to reach people for the Bill Smith of Escondido attends Emmanuel
One student involved is a junior in the PLNU nursing program, Natalie Madrazo,
Lord. There are people in Africa, Asia, and Faith Community Church and works in Rancho
who will be serving in Malawi, South Africa. But, as Natalie leaves, she leaves with
South America that are easy to reach.” Bernardo as an investment advisor.
a two-fold purpose. She is taking this summer trip to first carry out a promise she
made with her brother Nic and second to serve, teach and treat HIV/AIDS, TB
World Emergency Relief and Rescue Task Force merge
and malaria patients by putting what she has learned into practice.
In an effort to provide more efficient and effective delivery of vitally needed programs
Natalie’s older brother, Nicholas Aaron Madrazo, a Marine Corps officer, was
and services, World Emergency Relief (WER) and Rescue Task Force (RTF) announced
killed serving his country in Afghanistan last September. “Nic’s motto was to live
their merger following approval by the organizations’ two boards of directors. The
for something bigger than yourself,” shared his younger sister Natalie. “In being
combined organizations will now move forward toward a seamless integration of the
a part of something bigger than yourself, you learn a lot about yourself and the
two non-profit organizations into one corporate entity.
world. These were some of Nic’s last words to me before he headed to Afghanistan
The new organization will be based at the WER offices in Carlsbad, from where RTF
to fight for the freedom of the Afghani people,” added Natalie.
and WER will continue operating their projects under their respective RTF and WER
“It was before he left, we talked about service, and Nic challenged me to continue
seeking opportunities to serve overseas. I just didn’t realize how much his words
would mean to me until I realized those would be the last words I would ever
hear him say. So, as I leave, I have a chance to live out Nic’s motto in this Southeast
African country.”
Natalie and her team from PLNU will be leaving for Malawi to serve on a
medical missions team.
“I know Nic will be with me looking down from heaven,” she said.
In Malawi, approximately one million people have died from the HIV/AIDS
Carlsbad pandemic. According to Rev. Edward Mikwamba of Malawi, “Although Malawi
is a developing country, it is still struggling medically.” He added, “The Mangochi
Jesus said: Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him, will
Hospital District is ready for a medical mission team to do evangelism and assist
never thirst: The water that I will give him will be in him a well
of water springing up into “everlasting life.” – John 4:14
If you would like to help support students participating with Loveworks or
support Natalie Madrazo to see her brother’s motto lived out, you can write
“Please join us for a time of worship, encouraging
to: Natalie Madrazo, 3900 Lomaland Drive, San Diego, CA 92106 or visit www.
word and fellowship.”
– Pastor Robert & Patricia Pascoe
10 a.m. • Every Sunday
Share The Good News!
2650 Garfield St., Carlsbad • (760) 509-5019
corner of Carlsbad Blvd. & Beech St., 1 block from the beach
COMING KING | email: Just give us a call at 760-724-3075 or fax to 760-724-8311
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